Price list

All prices are charged according to the following method. On the basis of a phone call, or after a submission has been sent by email or to the WhatsApp, Viber networks , we will create an indicative price offer for you. Another option is billed, depending on the hourly rate. The full first hour of work is always charged, followed by every 1/2 hour started. Consumables are charged separately. The transports cost listed are valid for the whole area of Prague; in the case that parking costs is necessary to be paid on the premises, these parking costs are added to the price.If you come across a cheaper offer for the same services, just let us know.

We will not only offer you the services at this lower price but grant you a further - 10% discount.

24hr service. All prices are final, including VAT. Call us if you have any questions.

Price list

  • Based on the price offer.
  • The hourly rate is CZK 399 (the full first hour of work is always charged, followed by every 1/2 hour started).
  • Transport in Prague CZK 199 (+parking price).

Further additional charges

  • Transport outside the Prague municipal area CZK 10 / km (both directions).
  • Purchase of material CZK +100 / purchase.
  • Emergency repair CZK +750 (boarding within 24 hours).
  • Weekend work / Work on holidays +10%.
  • Work from 18.00 to 22.00 +10%.
  • Work from 22.00 to 6.00 +50%.
  • Drilling into concrete, ceilings, tiles: CZK 49.


  • Pensioners and seriously handicapped persons (ZTP-holders) are offered a 10% discount.